Hello There! Name’s Jack.
The autobiography of the copywriter you’ve been looking for:
Kidding. You don’t have time for my story.
You just want to know if I can get people hooked on yours.
After all, humans love a good tale.
Once we know someone’s story.
We are more likely to connect and buy from them.
My words help bridge the gap between your story and your readers.
Compelling words that ensure the bridge never collapses.
This means you spend less time chasing cold leads and more time with the warm ones.
How exactly?

[My Psychology and Sales background] + [Your Brand Voice] =
- Copy that speaks like you and speaks to your customer's problems
- Copy that has your goals, your industry, and your prospects in mind
- Copy that drops the corporate-clichés and industry gobbledygook to make it clear why you're the best in your market
- Copy that doesn't go hog-wild for creativity at the expense of a plan
My Approach to Copywriting
No guesswork on your goals. No radio silence after meeting.
I make sure we’re on the same page – deliverables and deadlines included.
Clear communication is the key to success.
Likewise, it’s the key to your customers understanding you.
It’s why I like to keep words simple, conversational and accessible. You’ll seem more approachable and likeable.
No one buys from an emotionless cyborg who wants to bore people into buying products.
People want to feel heard. Humans resonate with brands that understand them, speak like them.
My research digs deep to understand what makes your customers tick.
Combine that with personality and your brand’s style?
And you now got the secret recipe for good storytelling that moves people to take action!
Life’s too short not to laugh.
But your business is no joke.
I never lose sight that my job is to give you kickass value! That’s as serious as it gets.
Wordplay may be my forté, but it takes a back seat to your business goals.
My focus is to make you copy that is research-based, sounds like your brand, and gets you buyers.
Honesty is the Best Policy: I know my strengths and weaknesses. If I lack the passion to research your market, it’ll be the first thing I tell you. I refuse to waste your time with a second-rate product, so I’ll help you find someone who can better deliver.